Monday, January 26, 2009

Sympathy for Mother’s Loss

"Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not; rather find strength in what remains behind.”
~Williamn Wordsworth

We condole with our dear classmate and schoolmate, Soledad “Soly” De Castro-Paterson and Rosario “Chato” De Castro-Gregorio whose mother, Mrs. Mercedes De Castro, passed away today at 11:31am, Monday, 26 January 2009 in Olongapo City at 74 years old.

Mrs. De Castro’s body lies at the Lincoln Lodge No. 34 in Olongapo City. Interment will be on Thursday January 29, 2009 at 2pm . Soly will be arriving from San Francisco on Wednesday morning, 28 January 2009.

Let us also offer prayers for the family she left behind that they may find comfort and strength in Him who loves us.

For Soly and Chato: You're in the hearts of others who care about you and pray for you as God eases your sorrow and replaces it with sweet memories. May the memories of your mother held deep within your heart help to soothe your spirit at this time.


Anonymous said...

My condolences to Solly and the whole family.

May your mom rest in peace in God's haven.


Anonymous said...

Dear Soly and Chato:

Our sincere condolences to your family and loved ones.

I am not worthy of His Praise but I know I can ask Him this: may His Peace and Comfort be upon both of you, in your sadness and during this difficult times. I do believe that your mom is in a better place, joyful and surrounded by angels.

Benny and Family

Anonymous said...

Dear Soly,

Our deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family. May God's Love comfort you and grant you His peace.

Do take care of yourself and have a safe trip.

Lynn and Jun

Anonymous said...

Dear Soly and Chato,

We are very sorry for your loss.

Please accept our deepest sympathy and The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the repose of the soul of your mother at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Rowland Heights, Ca.

May her soul rest in peace.

The Dela Cruz and Lacuesta Families

Anonymous said...

Soly and Chato,

Our sincere sympathy and condolences. We are praying that HE will provide you and the De Castro family, strength and peace, as you deal with grief and loss of your Mom.

Sam/Lita Cajudo and family
Suisun City, CA

Anonymous said...

Sis Soly and Chato,

Our deepest symphaty and condolences to your Family and loved ones.

Be strong and take care of yourselves.

Regards and God Bless,
Your Bro.Chito Ramos and Family

Anonymous said...

To Soledad,

Please accept my sincerest condolences to you and your family for your great lost.You lost your dearest mother but the memories she left behind will be with you forever. Be assured we will pray for your Mom`soul that God will welcome her in heaven.

Just me,