Monday, April 14, 2008

Magic Lagoon Picnic

More than a dozen Batch ’70 members were present last Saturday, April 12, 2008 at the Picnic Area of Magic Lagoon located in Bicentennial Park inside SBMA.

Potluck of various dishes, fruits and sweets were shared among the group and everybody enjoyed the summer feast.

The following were present during the picnic: Art, Cynthia, Ebeth, Ellen, Gene, Jean, Mercy, Naty, Noeng, Orlino, Oscar, Robert, Sonia, Waying, and Zeny.

Before the picnic was over, the batch was able to have a short meeting and discussed current and upcoming projects.

For more pictures, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the Picnic Group,

No need to put names baka makalimutan ang iba.

The picture seems to be you have a very strong bonding as class 1970 OCNHS. The ladies were so vibrant parang hindi sila nagbabago.ang gaganda parin nila. Lalo na yong mga pagkain sus ang sarap lalo na kung kamayan. Pero ingat lang sa ginataan, isang kalderong sinaing kulang sa tatlong tao.

Sobrang inggit
Gany Erlano
Sydney Australia