Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bereavement Notice: Mrs. Lydia T. Ela

We condole with our dear friend, Aleta T. Ela-McFarland (OCNHS Batch '71) whose mother, Mrs. Lydia T. Ela, passed away last Wednesday, 19 December 2007 at the Olongapo James Gordon Hospital .

Mrs. Ela’s body lies at their residence in Horseshoe Drive , Sta. Rita, Olongapo City . Internment will be announced on a later date upon arrival of Aleta and sister, Josephine, from the US and Australia respectively.

Let us also offer prayers for the family she left behind that they may find comfort and strength in Him who loves us.

For Aleta and family: Take care. Hope you are doing okay. God bless.

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