Friday, May 25, 2007

Mr. Luis B. Dela Cruz

Love doesn't end with dying or leave with the last breath.
For someone you've loved deeply, Love doesn't end with death.
- John Addey

We condole with our dear classmate, Amelita “Amy/Amie” Dela Cruz-Lacuesta, whose father, Mr. Luis B. Dela Cruz, passed away due to Stage 4 Lung Cancer, last Tuesday, 22 May 2007. He was 80 years old.

His body lies at the Glen Abbey Memorial Park and Mortuary located at 3838 Bonita Road, Bonita, California. Viewing will be on May 29-30 (Tuesday and Wednesday) at 5-9pm; Funeral service will be on Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 2pm; and Burying of his ashes will be on Saturday, at 12 noon.

Let us include Amy’s father in our prayers and commend his spirit to the good Lord. May God grant him eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon him.

Let us also offer prayers for the family he left behind that they may find comfort and strength in Him who loves us.

For Amy/Amie: Take care. Hope you are doing okay. God bless.